Welcome to the Retirement Refined LLC Blog

I have always aspired to provide significant on-going value to clients and the general public. I quickly learned in my career that the more specialized knowledge I have, the greater the value I can provide, so several years ago I decided to learn what was needed to specialize in Retirement Income Planning.


Figuring out what I needed to learn

Having already obtained the Certified Financial Planner, CFP® Certification and the Chartered Financial Consultant ChFC® designation I had a good base of knowledge, however, it was obvious to me that I needed to become competent in Social Security Claiming Strategies, Medicare Planning and Retirement Income and Tax Planning.


So my journey began to obtain this knowledge. I studied Social Security and Medicare topics and then obtained the Retirement Income Certified Professional, RICP® Certification. I loved learning about these topics because people truly need a resource they can turn to for solid, specialized, honest information.


The journey to becoming ME

I began doing workshops to the public on Social Security, Medicare, and Retirement Income Planning. I was so nervous when I started public speaking so I became of student watching people speak and now I thoroughly enjoy speaking in front of most any size audience. I now realize this IS ME. My passion is so strong that today I only provide Retirement Income Planning to Baby Boomers, Retirees and Business Owners. The only other clients I accept are children of existing clients.


I also recognized that the world was becoming digital and that I was not engaged, so I hired a business coach. She has changed my career, quite frankly. She had me search deeper into myself to really discover my strengths, weaknesses, and my passion for what I do has now grown to level that I still cannot fully understand.


She wanted me to become involved in social media and develop a new website so I can convey my message and passion. Suzanne Muusers guided me to write every line of our new website and when we were almost finished, I was driving into the office and had tears in my eyes because it hit me really hard. This website is ME, it’s my message, it is what I do on a daily basis to help people prepare and live their retirement on purpose.


What I will be writing about

It’s almost funny because up to a few months ago I didn’t even know what a blog was. I was however sending out via email a retirement income planning tip of the month to attendees of our workshops who signed up on our evaluation form. We are now transitioning the tip of the month to a blog. You can expect that I will be blogging at least once per week on topics that relate to Baby Boomers and Retirees about all topics related to Retirement and Retirement Income Planning. I certainly hope you enjoy reading the blogs as I will certainly enjoy the preparation. If there are any topics you would like me to prepare, please let me know.


Thank you to my clients and workshop attendees. You inspire me to continually increase my technical competence and the wisdom I have learned from you over the years is priceless.


Stay tuned for more!

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